ข้อสอบของ istockphoto.com

ข้อสอบของ istockphoto.com ในการเป็น Contributor ถ้าสอบไม่ผ่านก็ไม่ได้เป็นนะครับ แม้จะสอบผ่านก็ต้องมี passport ที่ scan แล้วส่งไปให้เข้าดูครับ ซึ่งเป็นขั้นตอนสุดท้ายของการสมัครเป็น contributor
# All recognizable faces require a model release, including crowds: All recognizable human faces require a model release, including public areas, crowds, self portraits and vintage photographs.
# Logos are acceptable in wide angle photographs: Any visible logo should be removed in royalty-free stock photography.
# Identifiable design marks, such as the 3 stripes for Adidas or the Nike swoosh, are allowed if the name is removed: All design elements that are recognizable to a company may also be protected by trademark, and should always be removed for royalty-free stock photography.
# Landmark buildings such as the Sydney Opera House or Empire State Building require a property release to be used as royalty-free stock: Famously recognized buildings and modern architecture may require a property release. Questionable buildings should be researched prior to uploading.
# A model release is required for a self portrait: All recognizable human faces require a model release, including public areas, crowds, self portraits and vintage photographs.
# The photographer can witness their own Model/Property Release: A model or property release cannot be witnessed by the photographer.
# A simple snapshot is acceptable; iStock does not require quality in composition: The iStock collection is a selection of the highest quality, both creative and technical, images submitted. Simple snap shots will not be accepted.
# It is acceptable to protest a rejection in the iStock forums: To protest an image, it should always be addressed through “Scout”, located in the Support section.
# It is acceptable to copy the composition of another photographer’s work : iStock respects the creative value of each original image and does not condone mimicking the work of others.
# Photographs should be upsampled or interpolated to the maximum XXL size: iStock will not accept images that have been upsampled or interpolated above their native resolution.
# The above example contains: Compression can be spotted in a photograph by the “chunking” of colors.
# The above example is: Harsh light or distracting shadows unintentional to the composition will be declined from the iStock collection.
# The above example is: The use of noise reduction should never create a “watercolor” or overly smoothed appearance.

Author: บุรินทร์ รุจจนพันธุ์

I am Lecturer, Developer, Researcher, Columnist, Writer, Photographer, and Webmaster - L@mpang man

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