Joe Namie พูดถึง Fedex ที่ใช้ webFocus : MIS

ถอดข้อความของ Joe Namie พูดถึง webFocus

Management Information Systems
FedEx testimonial – Information Builder
By: Joe Namie

WebFocus is our front end tool for distributing critical reports across 211 countries world wide. FedEx got two main core competencies:

1-Its airline which is the 5th largest air force in the world.
2-And its IT capacity.

FedEx by its very structure has many databases throughout the corporation and by being able to capture this and capturing the best of this information and putting it to a relational table in our Oracle system and using WebFocus to distributing it for us, we are able to communicate more effectively and plan accordingly across the span of time.

The information comprises the package information down the air-way bay level and all the way up to the executive information which is: Revenue versus plan, volume vs. plan, weight vs. plan for our corporation. We did country, by district, bay region and by division.

Of course, with the two like WebFocus, and some of the other tools that Emory module gives us especially with the report cash and things like that, they just add more the benefit of and more sizzle. The flexibility of reporting and the ability of using the security aspects of it that sold me right away. We had a small base and a rate of return of over 500%.

Capturing the data you need to day and all the indexes you need and making able to trend that data and follow it to what it might leads you to the future gives you the ability like to have our pelage we were ten miles from the air plane we are way out in front of anybody else know what we expect to happen and we can monitor those effects and adjust accordingly before we get in front of any kind of mountain.

Author: บุรินทร์ รุจจนพันธุ์

I am Lecturer, Developer, Researcher, Columnist, Writer, Photographer, and Webmaster - L@mpang man

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